The format property allows you to define how the number will appear. Common formats include: Currency '$'###,###,###.00 '$'###,###,### '$'###,###,###.00;('$'###,###,###00) '$'###,###,###;('$'###,###,###) Integers ###,###,### Real Numbers ###,###,###.0000 ###,###,###.#### More complicated format strings may be devised. The rules are as follows: 1. The format string may consist of 1, 2 or 3 parts separated by a semicolon. 2. If a second part is specified, it is used for negative numbers, otherwise the first part is used for negative numbers. 3. If a third part is specified, it is used for zero, otherwise the first part is used for negative numbers. 4. The digits of the actual number will occupy the spaces defined by one of the following three characters: #, ^, 0. They differ in their behavior when not needed to accomodate a digit. The # character is simply deleted when not needed. The ^ character is replaced with a space if not needed. The 0 character remains a zero if not needed. 5. Commas may be used as digit group separators. 6. A plus or minus sign may be used. 7. A E may be used to denote scientific notation 8. Parenthesis may be used anywhere 9. Any other sequence of characters may be used if enclosed in single quotes. 10. A single quote may be used if preceeded by a backslash \